Monday, March 14, 2011

Relay for Life -- what can YOU do?

Everyone has been touched by canncer in one form or another: family, friends, co-worker. How is it possible that this horrible, horrible disease has such a stranglehood on our life.

Here is your chance.    Lake Stevens Relay for Life , aka RFL is now is in full swing and looking for support.Please contact Relay for Life Event Chair Kim Demary at or by phone at 425-231-7485 for sponsorship information.

This is our time, Lake Stevens, to show the world that we stand together against cancer.  This is our time to win that fight, one dollar, one person, one cancer survivor at a time.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Simple E Mail Etiquette Rules
Email is designed to be able to send a quick message and to get a quick answer.  It has evolved into something much more.  Remember the rules:

No one likes spam.  If you send the same message to a lot of people, it could be interpreted as “spam”, also known as junk mail.  Be selective in what you send to people, and hopefully they will be considerate to you.

Another quick rule, an email should be answered in at least 24 hours, otherwise the sender would write you a letter.  If you are a business that does a lot of customer service via email, at least answer back with a quick confirmation that you received their email and that you will answer their questions within a specific period of time.
Be selective about the size of the messages you send.  Large attachments can close down someone’s system.  If that happens you risk being put on their “blocked” list.

PLEASE PLEASE be very careful not to use the “Reply All’ button, unless you are on a conference email.

 Is that message you are sending, really HIGH PRIORITY?  Think about it before you click it.

Take a few minutes to develop your personal signature that will appear at the end of your message.  Make sure that it includes all your contact information, phone number, website, and email address and mailing address.

Hopefully these simple rules  will help your friends, clients and customers, and they will appreciate your thoughtfulness.